Wednesday, November 4, 2009

towards the plaza de mayo

These were taken on another Buenos Aires morning jaunt. My dad would generally stay in the hotel, working and waiting for Casey to get there, while my Mom and I would get impatient, pick a place in the guidebook within walking distance, and head out. On this particular day, we checked out the Museo de la Ciudad.  For someone who loves ephemera, it was heaven.  The museo is all about the everyday life of the people of Buenos Aires, and is full of donated objects.  Well, I guess they received a ton of bicycles, as they resorted to unusual measures to display them.

Bicycles. Hanging. From the ceiling. People!

We ended up in the Plaza de Mayo entirely by accident. The Plaza is a major place in Argentine history (read about it here), and this is the Cabildo, which was the main government building during Argentina's colonial period (check out this photo of it in 1867).

So there's your daily double dose of polaroids and Argentine history.  The 'Roid Week festivities will continue tomorrow!

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