Sunday, September 4, 2011

recent snapshots from the kitchen

Another episode of "Kelly is Poor and Can't Cook."
 I've been drinking a fair amount of smoothies.  I use the tried-and-true "dump a bunch of fruit into the blender with some ice" method.  And yes, I prefer to drink them through a bendy straw.
 Making cauliflower florets for this ridiculously delicious cauliflower gratin.  Seriously.  You should make this.  I paired it with pork loin in a simple marinade (mine was a teeny bit different, but I started with this).  Totally bragging here, I kicked this dinner's B-U-T-T.
My take on The Pioneer Woman's Pancetta and Leek Pasta.  I say "my take" like I deliberately thought out ways to make this meal tastier, but as it turns out, I just don't know what a leek looks like.  Or how to read grocery store produce signs.  So I made mine with green onions (a whole bunch--6 or 7 total, I think), used half and half instead of cream (it was on hand), and only a fraction of the amount called for besides.  The recipe did not suffer for my mistakes: this was also a freaking yummy dinner.

I am slowly by surely figuring out how to photograph food.  I think.  Maybe.

(Side note: Are y'all watching the Pioneer Woman's show on Food Network?  I don't generally find cooking shows terribly interesting, but I may be hooked on this one.  The cute kids and handsome cowboys don't hurt, of course.)

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