Tuesday, July 1, 2008


One thing that I've seen repeatedly in my recent magazine and internet wanderings is the use of old shovels and other yard work ephemera as decor. I can't locate one striking image I saw of shovels hung on a slant up a stairway wall, but the above image gives the same idea. The below images are of two collections available at Lost Found Art.There's also the artwork of Cal Lane, which presents the same idea with a bit of a twist.


Taddie Tales said...

WOW!!!! What an amazing artist - took my breath away looking at his gallery. I can't even imagine how long a piece takes him. You always find the most interesting items.....

Kelly Anne said...

Isn't he great? I have no clue where I found him, he might have had a local show, although I don't think I've seen his works in person.