Friday, May 9, 2008

gorgeous abandoned Russian home

It's no secret that much has changed in Russia since the last tsar was ousted. Evidence of change lies scattered through cities and across the countryside in abandoned and forsaken buildings and property. Few folk would not call most of these places beautiful. This old painted manor, however, has aged with grace and tattered dignity, inside and out.

Check out that gorgeous prow-like porch!

via Neil

EDIT: Whoops! These are from different houses, two of them in the Teremam Forest in the Kostroma region in Russia. Out of curiosity, I tracked down the artist's journal, translated it into English, and then realized my mistake! I rearranged the photos above so that the top three belong to the first house (its interior is in ruins), the next one is the second house, and I have no clue where the third one came from! I'll continue my translation (thanks Google!) and detective work, however.

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