Friday, December 30, 2011

Snuggly Weekend Links

Hey-o, folks!  Do you have mad plans for New Years?  I do!  They are to light some mango-scented candles and play Uncharted, because that's just how I roll.  But if you are planning to spend Saturday with living, breathing human beings, that is totally OK, too!  In the meantime, here are some rad links to snuggle up with until the ball drops:

- Jonathan Mann looked at the terrible Christmas Day tweets from kids who didn't get an iphone, and thought: this is a song.  And it's wonderful.

- Nerd Alert: the official Legend of Zelda timeline is just as confusing as you thought it'd be.

- I have officially fallen for this paint color.  I want it everywhere.

- Artist Noelle Stevenson decided that the internet needed a place for all of its drawings of animals looking stupid.  This is that place.

- The lesson here is clearly that frogs are awesome and you should probably not taunt them.

- If you've ever thought, "I have a question about fashion and would like the answer to be illustrated!" then Carly Monado's "OOOH, Girl" is for you.  The above illustration is from this classic.

Have a great weekend, and a peachy keen New Year, y'all!

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