Schtick Lit - Footnotes, characters named for colors, and other look-at-me machinations. (See Special Topics in Calamity Physics and, again, Infinite Jest.)There's also lots of goodness in the comments, so be sure to check those out.Mick Lit - The literature of Ireland. (See Banville, John and Ruland, Jim.)
Slick Lit - Polite, correct fiction, polished to a high sheen. (See Bridge of Sighs.)
[sic] Lit - The literature of intentional misspellings, missing punctuation, and broken-down grammar (See Only Revolutions, Blood Meridian).Click Lit - Novels built entirely on one "a-ha" moment (Syn. - Detective Fiction)
Clique Lit - Novels published by the friends of last year's best-selling novelists.
via Smart Bitches
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