Saturday, May 17, 2008

a good day

I spent the better part of yesterday and last night in Richmond visiting my aunt and the Visual Arts Center, with which she is heavily involved. Fun times. But that's not what made today good. No, today was good because of the furniture I scored for free or cheap both in Richmond and in D.C.

Chair from my grandmother's estate, found in my aunt's attic.

Lamp from aunt's attic which I'm dying to pair with a Mibu lampshade.

Mid-century style table and chair found on craigslist (I wanted to buy everything in that guy's apartment, I swear).

Painting spotted in the fellow from craigslist's apartment, bought for $10!

Now once I finish cleaning and ridding myself of excess belongings, decide on a paint color, paint, find wall shelves, buy frames, and move everything in there, I'm done!

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