Would you like a few examples? Okay!
Jackson Pollock- it may look like an empty page, but move your mouse around a bit and see what it's got to offer! Want to change the color? Simply click your mouse once. By Miltos Manetas (he's got others, too).
Bembo's Zoo- this site takes a good ole alphabet book by Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich and brings it to life! Click on any letter (I recommend "C," that was my favourite), and take a look!
NFCTD- I warn you, this last one by artist Caleb Johnston is a bit trippy. It's also a puzzle. You'll be given an image which is essentially an amalgamation of images from 19th century books periodicals. In order to progress to the next image, and the next, you'll need to click on various places on the screen, sometimes once, sometimes several times. Each click will change the image a bit. It's quite fun!
Know of any other pieces like these? Let me know!
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